•••      Ambient Rave       •••

Space is mostly a vacuum,
meaning it lacks the air or other medium
required for sound waves to travel. In the
absence of a medium, traditional sound,
as we perceive it on Earth, cannot propagate
through space. Therefore, space is known
as a silent and eerily quiet environment.


         Ambient Rave
         Location 1
         Vinetaplatz, Berlin
12:00    Agua                              →
13:30    Transganster                      →
15:00    Belladonna of Sadness.            →
16:40    Kaltwasser                        →
18:00    Some Bioms                        →
19:40    Valentin Wedde.                   →

         Ambient Rave
         Location 2
         Hy.Am Studios, Berlin
12:00    Valentin Wedde                    →
14:30    Some Bioms                        →
16:00    Belladonna of Sadness             →
18:40    theories                          →
20:00    Kaltwasser                        →


converted data from various celestial
phenomena, such as the vibrations of stars or
the signals emitted by planets, into audible
frequencies. These sonifications provide a way
for scientists and the public to "hear" the
otherwise silent cosmic events occurring
in the vastness of space.

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